Use of point out in Sentences. 29 Examples

The examples include point out at the start of sentence, point out at the end of sentence and point out in the middle of sentence

point out in the middle of sentence

  1. We wish to point out that...
  2. I beg to point out that you are wrong.
  3. I must point out that delay is unwise.
  4. He was too polite to point out my mistake.
  5. Critics point out that poverty still exists.
  6. To point out what is meant by effective study.
  7. He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
  8. She was quick to point out the mistakes I'd made.
  9. We all too easily point out our mothers' failings.
  10. She was quick to point out that it wasn't her fault.
  11. I must point out that further delay would be unwise.
  12. Please don't take it amiss, if I point out your errors.
  13. The termite inspector can point out some problem areas.
  14. She is at pains to point out how much work she has done.
  15. I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.
  16. I beg to point out that your information are out of date.
  17. Are appliances you buy safe? We point out the danger signs.
  18. I should point out that not one of these paintings is original.
  19. Please don't take it amiss if I venture to point out your errors.
  20. She was at pains to point out that she was no newcomer to the area.
  21. She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
  22. She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.
  23. He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide.
  24. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.
  25. You were right to point out that this is only one of the difficulties we face.
  26. Roy was at pains to point out that English was the only exam he'd ever failed.
  27. The manager hastened to point out that his products were far superior to others.
  28. Mobil is at pains to point out that the chances of an explosion at the site are remote.
  29. What the film did not point out however was - who pays for all this(Sentence dictionary), in terms of resources and human life?

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